Q: What does therapy look like?


A: The first session is a time to share about what brings you to therapy and also a good time to ask about my approach – I may ask questions about your background to get to know you better. A typical therapy session could involve talking, practicing mindfulness/relaxation exercises, or drawing/art or sandtray activities – it really depends on how you like to express yourself and what you are feeling that day, but there is no “right” or “wrong” way to do therapy!  


Q: I’m not sure what I want to work on, but I want to feel better:


A: I believe that you are the expert of your own life, so we will work together to figure out specific goals for our sessions. Sometimes this is not immediately clear. Therapy goals may look like learning about your body’s response to stress, identifying trauma triggers, practicing communication skills to improve your relationships, or learning mindfulness and relaxation exercises. They can also look like understanding childhood issues, improving your motivation and concentration, or learning to set boundaries. If you are not sure what you’d like to work on in therapy, that’s ok! This is a space to explore.



Q: Will I feel better?


A: Each individual is different, but generally you can expect to have a decrease in your symptoms within the first three months of starting therapy. Some issues may take longer to resolve and may require additional support outside of therapy.  


It is expected that at times during the process you may experience discomfort when dealing with tough feelings. Talking about difficult subjects can be anxiety-inducing and make us feel vulnerable. However, during a therapy session you should feel supported, accepted and have trust in your therapist!



Q: Is therapy confidential?


A: Yes, any communication between a client and psychotherapy is regarded as confidential by law. However, there are some exceptions in which I cannot keep our communication confidential. These include situations of child abuse or neglect, when a client poses a serious and realistic physical threat to another person, or when a client intends to harm themselves. If any of these situations come up during our conversations, I will discuss with you first what steps will be taken regarding maintaining or breaking confidentiality. During telehealth sessions, I strongly encourage you to find a quiet and private place to conduct our sessions.